West Seattle Junction

A bit of time before a meeting at Cupcake Royale and a bit of time after with lunch at Easy Street Records Cafe. I didn't finish the sign sketch because I got the perspective a little off and had to go into a meeting. I was going to do the brick building, windows, etc. too, but at least here's something. Sketching the items at the table while waiting for my Philadelphia Freedom sandwich reminded me of of all the sketching I used to do at restaurants and bars back when I was single — sketching my drinks and cigarettes. Thank God those days are over. Anyway, not too much to say about these.

Columbia Park cherry blossoms

It seems the only time I am finding (or making) to sketch is on Friday mornings between dropping off HM and getting to the Y for my swim class. Columbia City is always right on the way. I was determined to get something done. Speed sketching. I only had about 20 minutes and needed to sit somewhere besides the bakery (did get a double, short latte to go though...no baked items since I made waffles with strawberries this morning for breakfast) — somewhere outside. I barely recognized Columbia Park without the Farmers Market and all the people meandering — the only other time I have been there. I have really been wanting to get the cherry blossom trees down on paper. I love them — so soft, pink and fluffy. I just want to squeeze the little bunches of perfect blossoms — like they are baby cheeks or something.

I thought a pen and colored pencils would do it, but of course...I found I needed to finish with watercolor when I got home. I didn't have them with me or the time to finish at the picnic table anyway. I didn't have my Uni-ball black pen with me, so I used one from my new set — Pigma Micron 02. I can't believe it took me so long to rediscover these. A set of 6 — each with a different line width. From finest to thickest: 005, 01, 02, 03, 05, 08. Archival black ink. Great for detailed pen illustrations. For this sketch, I just used one...but they came in really handy recently for a pen illustration I had to do for another project. Anyway...got the pen and colored pencil sketch done in 20 minutes. Just added the watercolor back at my studio.

Finally, an outdoors sketch! Expect more as spring warms up and into summer.

On a side note...I also rediscovered Crowded House. Love every song on Recurring Dream. I never buy new music and still scrounge through my old case of CDs every now and then to find something.

Rainier Ave. S. & S. Ferdinand St.

Another hour at Columbia City Bakery before my swim class. Finally, a new small sketchbook. Not too much to say. I couldn't do the bread and flowers again, so I sat near the window hoping to find something outside to sketch. Thankfully there was a bike in view — and a few people. Something. Keeping it simple. Just trying to get something up. I need to get outside soon and sketch/paint some cherry blossom trees. Some scenery — spring colors…even though it still doesn't feel like spring. At least it's not freezing out. No snow — some sun.

An hour at Columbia City Bakery

I have to confess — I have not been carrying my sketchbook around with me everywhere. One of those times again where I had no inspiration, felt too busy. My little sketchbook is all filled up. That is part of the problem. I am much less likely to toss my big one in my bag. Need to get a new one.

Today, I finally gave it a try again. Perhaps the sun had something to do with it. A fresh start. A month should not have gone by with no new posts!

Normally I have HM on Fridays, but she's with her little friends today. I had an hour after dropping her off before I had to get to my swim class. Columbia City Bakery was right on the way. A double, short, extra hot latté and an apple morning bun. Yum. The bun was just what I had in mind — like the cinnamon rolls I used to get at The Little Cheerful Café in Bellingham. Flaky, not doughy. If only it had been bigger! I had to keep myself from devouring it while I sketched it. I only had a black pen and a wrinkled, used piece of paper floating around in my bag. I also used the backs of some flyers I found on their shelf. Three quick ones. Added watercolor when I got home. Gouache too since I couldn't get the watercolor intense enough. The paper was the worst for these paints. Super thin, no texture. Better than nothing though!

I will try to keep up my sketching without feeling guilty about the lulls in inspiration. Especially for those of you that check back for new stuff.

First daffodil

I never draw flowers! Now I know why. This was tough. I still don't think I got it quite right — the depth/inner part of the straight-on daffodil contrasting with petals curving out in the foreground. I kept at it though and finally had to stop. HM was getting restless and L woke up. Time for lunch. Used pencil, watercolor pencil and colored pencils. I purposely didn't use a black pen — just to challenge myself since I always use one. Trying to get a softer look for this first bit of spring.

Pizza obsession

It worked! Thanks to my sister for her recipe & tips. Preheat oven to 500 degrees (not 450 like I had been doing) for 1/2 hour before baking. Bake on bottom rack of oven. I baked it for 8 minutes on the sheet then slid it directly onto the rack for the last minute. Was crispy on the bottom finally, not all floppy like before. Both the pepperoni/olive/garlic and the veggie were delicious — just ate the leftovers for lunch. I have to admit that I was obsessed with getting it right this time! Much to my family's relief, it turned out — or they would have had to listen to me complain about it all night. I almost lost my temper with the dough — guess it just takes practice. I lack patience!

Sketched the toppings while the oven was heating up. After dinner, drew the slice directly on top and colored with pencil and watercolor pencil. Nothing digital this time.

Pizza for dinner tonight

I've tried the pre-made TJ's pizza dough twice now. The first time I worked with the dough I didn't leave it out at room temperature long enough. Too cold, couldn't get it to roll out thin enough. Almost gave up and threw it all away. Ended up with a veggie calzone and a pepperoni pizza with crust too thick and undercooked. Last Monday, the second time, I left it out too long. It was too thin. Still didn't cook right, not crisp enough on the bottom and just blah throughout. This time I called my sister for her recipe. Her and Y's pizza is always perfect! Hoping the homemade dough will be an improvement — even without using a pizza stone. { sketched the mozzarella, yeast package and pizza sauce jar on the striped receipt }

2 double, short, no room Americanos

Originally I was going to post a new sketch every day. I figured out soon that a more realistic goal would be to get one up weekly. Also, they were going to be quick. Spontaneous. Just whatever I saw laying around or happened upon. I was running out of things at home that I wanted to draw. Looking for things. Trying to outdo myself with composition, level of detail, new techniques. Two weeks since the guitar and had no desire to sketch. Today I was going to go to the I.D, Lincoln Park, Alki or sit in the car by all the containers piled up on West Marginal Way. Morning turned out differently — hanging out in the car at the Burien Starbucks with M while HM slept in the carseat. I went back to the original idea — quick sketches with black pen only. Doesn't have to be a masterpiece. I didn't have my sketchbook, thus the kraft bag and napkin. I can't help putting bits together digitally too.

Half-price Maruta

The minute I threw the bag of sushi on the car seat, I knew it was what I wanted to draw tonight after HM went to bed. Even though I really wanted to eat the deluxe California roll, I held off so I would have them left to draw. My brother-in-law let me in on the Maruta Market 50% off deal. Weekdays starting at 5pm, all the items of the bottom shelf of the deli case are half-price! You have to get there a few minutes before 5pm before all the sushi-lovers have emptied the case. I learned tonight there is a 5 item limit. It's perfect for Thursday nights since it's right on the way to pick up HM — between Highland Park and Beacon Hill, in Georgetown. Also, M always has meetings Thursday nights so it's just HM and me for dinner.

I thought the black & white drawing would take at least 2 hours. Only one tedious hour. I was scared I would ruin the detail with color, but really wanted to see the bright orange flying fish roe and clean greens and reds of the packages. I taped a piece of translucent paper on top and used colored pencils to complete it on a second layer. Put them together digitally.