Birthday {with Mickey Mouse}

Quick assignment today:

Custom birthday card for a friend to give to his wife. Must have today — illustrate, design, print. Reference — Instagram photo of wife and daughter (sweet). Insert Mickey Mouse ears hats — taking a trip to Disleyland for birthday. Pen and watercolors — a welcome break from the computer. Lime green and blue — a welcome break from WV orange. :) 

Tuesday night sketching :: Empire Espresso

Almost every Tuesday night while Hannah Mae has her hip hop class at Northwest Tap Connection, I get about 40 minutes to see how quickly I can sketch or paint a little something. One of my favorite spots is Empire Espresso in Columbia City (awesome service by Rose, and the perfect double, short Americano with Kuma Coffee). This watercolor (above) and sketch (below) were both products of these Tuesday nights. The pen only sketch was just done tonight. Part of my mini sketch series — all black and white, all mini, all in restaurants. Will post more of those soon.