Instant Chocolate Pudding

The highlight of my day. Taking a lunch break with HM and whipping up this instant chocolate pudding. First time I have ever made instant pudding! I am a from-scratch sort of baker/sweets maker. I promised her before bed last night that I would bring home a treat from the store, and had been craving chocolate pudding {also a first for me}. With the first bite, I exclaimed, "It's like eating a bismark doughnut without the doughnut!" {I have also been craving a chocolate covered bismark — or is what I am thinking really a Bavarian Crème? — from Top Pot for a few weeks}. The creamy, chocolately goodness coupled with the Trader Joes's packaging was enough to inspire a quick sketch before getting back to my real work. Limited myself to only red and black Uniball Vision fine point pens — to keep it simple.

At the last minute, I was going to add some brown for the pudding, but Michael said not to — that it would retain its White Stripes look as-is. Good point.